Kids Days

Special children's activities every Sunday

Sundays are for spending time with family. Join us for a tour of Fort Gibraltar and enjoy some special activities for children.

The North-West Company is recruiting! We're looking for some new voyageurs. Children who complete our series of fun activities throughout the fort will become a certified voyageur and receive a badge!

There is no extra fee to participate. Come every Sunday between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM to enjoy all the fun activities.

Kids Days at Fort Gibraltar
Kids Days at Fort Gibraltar

Sundays are for spending time with family. Join us for a tour of Fort Gibraltar and enjoy some special activities for children.

The North-West Company is recruiting! We're looking for some new voyageurs. Children who complete our series of fun activities throughout the fort will become a certified voyageur and receive a badge!

There is no extra fee to participate. Come every Sunday between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM to enjoy all the fun activities.

Fort Gibraltar Map

1. Trading Post - What's that Fur?

Identify or learn about the furs of five different fur trade animals

3. Workshop - Building the Fort

Help the carpenter to build a model timber frame cabin

5. Garden - Get them Weeds

Pick five weeds out of the garden and learn about heritage crops

Fort Gibraltar Map

2. Winterer's Cabin - Voyageur Games

Dress like a voyageur and play some voyageur games (physical and mental challenges)

4. Warehouse - Get Packing

Pack a fur bale just like a voyageur

6. Fire Pit - Stack it up

Grab firewood from a pile outside the wood shed and stack wood for the summer kitchen

1. Trading Post - What's that Fur?

Identify or learn about the furs of five different fur trade animals

2. Winterer's Cabin - Voyageur Games

Dress like a voyageur and play some voyageur games (physical and mental challenges)

3. Workshop - Building the Fort

Help the carpenter to build a model timber frame cabin

4. Warehouse - Get Packing

Pack a fur bale just like a voyageur

5. Garden - Get them Weeds

Pick five weeds out of the garden and learn about heritage crops

6. Fire Pit - Stack it up

Grab firewood from a pile outside the wood shed and stack wood for the summer kitchen